Too often women find their ‘experience’ of birthing is simply not regarded as all that important, especially by the medical profession and are told what’s important is to have a healthy baby and Mum. Of course everyone wants that, but I see many women who feel guilty because their traumatic ‘experience’ has not been acknowledged. Women feel guilty because the strong message is ‘be grateful to have a healthy baby’ – end of story!

Well it is far from the end of the story. Not only do women feel traumatised, angry and confused about ‘what went wrong’ and if they could have done something more to prevent this from happening. They feel all their power was unceremoniously stripped bare, causing deep trauma and grief. These deep emotions do not just magically disappear – ever! They will stay with that woman for the rest of her life unless she does attend some birth healing sessions.
This trauma can go on to affect bonding with her baby, breastfeeding, feelings about motherhood, guilt, anxiety, relationship with her partner and other family and friends. It can also affect her physical health and will definitely impact negatively on any future pregnancies.
Birth is mainly seen through the eyes of the mother. It is assumed that her baby feels nothing, that he is an innocent bystander. But it is something much more profound for the baby. This birth event imprints itself on his personality. How this baby enters the world, whether it is painful, easy, long or violent, determines who he becomes and how he views the world around him. By the end of his time in utero, he has become deeply aware of his universe. He has received messages, sensations, sounds, feelings and emotions from his mother and through her from the world. During the labour and birth his mind is recording every feeling, gesture, emotion and movement. From 9 months of floating in the warm, safe and perfect environment in utero he is suddenly thrust into the outside world. Now imagine the added impact of medical intervention on the baby. We know the imprint of birth will also stay with the baby forever and can have lasting effects on his development.

Birth trauma for Mum and baby can be healed, quickly and easily with hypnosis. This is vital for bonding and attachment, breastfeeding, sleeping, and ongoing emotional and physical health.
A Dad experiences birth of his baby in a very different way to his partner. They often carry silent grief and trauma as the main focus is on his partner and baby. If not acknowledged this can impact on his relationship with partner and his baby. I offer separate sessions for Dad.
Don’t put it off any longer! Make an appointment and you will be amazed at the results for you and baby.