

The in-utero Parenting Program


Why do I need Hypno-Pregnancy?

We all have a past!

First things First:

DISCOVER your birth imprint

Healing past fears, anxieties, trauma, self-doubt is essential so you can begin your parenting journey with a healthy MIND

Healing allows freedom to re-shape negative thoughts, ideas, limiting beliefs, so they are not passed onto baby.

It’s the first 1000 days! From conception to approximately 3 years age is the peak period the brain is forming neuro-connections and neural pathways.


The connection and interactions you have with your unborn baby sets the pattern for how he will be in the world


The unconscious mind holds all your beliefs and past fears about pregnancy, labour, birth, becoming a parent, and bringing a child into the world.

Hypno-Pregnancy heals the past, to create the future



When you enrol in Hypno-Pregnancy Program

  • You will receive one-on-one sessions with Susan
  • You will learn how to open up communication channels between you and baby, free from fear, stress, anxiety
  • You will heal from any past trauma which could be transferred to your unborn baby
  • You will go from scared to confident, excited and empowered
  • You will learn about your unconscious mind and how to access this hidden power
  • You will learn about womb world and discover ways to connect, educate & have fun with your unborn baby
  • You will learn deep hypnotic relaxation techniques to use during pregnancy, labour/birth
  • You will gain clarity in making the right decisions

Book here:  https://birthright.com.au/product-category/hypno-pregnancy-program/


  • Hypno-Pregnancy puts you in control of your MIND to ensure your birth happens as nature intended
  • Hypno-Pregnancy shows you how to create an emotionally and spiritually healthy baby
  • Hypno-Pregnancy will erase self-doubt, anxiety, fear
  • Hypno-Pregnancy teaches you how to create the blueprint to set your baby up for life
  • Hypno-Pregnancy teaches deep hypnosis relaxation – all you need to give baby the best start in life
  • BOOK HERE:  https://birthright.com.au/product-category/hypno-pregnancy-program/
  • ‘After experiencing a cascade of intervention with my first birth I was very anxious about going into labour with my second child. Susan helped me see birth in a more positive light.  Reframing my thought process so that when I eventually did go into labour I felt calm rather than anxious.  This change of thinking meant I was able to experience an amazing water birth .

Compared to my first birthing experience I feel much more physically and emotionally well.’  Thank you Susan

  • I would like to thank you for empowering education and healing.  I can’t thank you enough for the sessions you gave me. I am thoroughly enjoying reading your book and had a good giggle as we sounded just like many other couples described in the early chapters, of not having a choice.  You could easily have brushed us off as you’ve heard it ALL so many times before, except you listened.   You gave us a voice to speak up, and for that we cannot thank you enough.  Glen & Monique
  • “Susan and Birth Right are definitely operating with an integrity and genuine desire to support women. I loved everything I learned from you and the hypnosis is something I keep coming back to so I’ll always be grateful for that opportunity with you”.    Lily